Capalaba Medical Centre Sleep Services

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Far too many people and, especially, their partners are suffering unnecessarily from snoring related health problems – sleep apnoea, heart disease, daytime fatigue, marital discord, depression, and more.
Yet not every snorer needs treating. A thorough clinical evaluation at Capalaba Medical Centre will determine the cause and appropriate treatment for your problem. It will also confirm if treatment is even necessary.
In our experience, snoring and sleep apnoea treatments can sometimes be simple depending on what’s causing your problem, and of course its more practical to treat it once, and treat it properly!
Don’t just jump in and buy some unnecessary appliance from a sales organisation before having a thorough physical examination with our Sleep-GP trained doctor who will prescribe the simplest and most appropriate treatment pathway for this condition which affects you, or someone close to you.
Capalaba Medical Centre now provides an Evidence Based Snoring and Sleep Apnoea service. This is Brisbane’s first GP operated Sleep Apnoea clinic where a thorough anatomical examination provides patient’s with the most appropriate treatment pathway.
Because we consider all possible snoring solutions, our patients can often choose from more than one recommended option specific to each case.
It’s affordable, we’re involved in research, and we treat both long term and new patient’s, as well as providing second opinions for the skeptical or confused sufferer who seeks a candid discussion based on current evidence.
We provide everything from a simple home based sleep study service right through to surgery, mandibular splints, CPAP therapy or even no treatment depending on the clinical indication and current evidence.