This sleep apnea testing service covers West Brisbane, South Brisbane, and Ipswich.
To make an appointment:
Call (07) 3708 3233
Text 0434 719948
Email: info@sleepstudybrisbane.com.au
Click here to download the Home Sleep Study Referral Form.
You Need An Appointment
To set up an appointment, here are the steps to follow:
1. Download the Home Sleep Study Referral Form. Print it out and bring this to your General Practitioner. Or ask your GP to open this webpage and print out the form. Your GP needs to fill it out and sign it.
2. Request your GP Medical Centre to fax it to us on 07 3381 9025.
3. We will call you to set an appointment.
The Appointment Has Two Options
We offer two options, and you can choose which one will be more convenient for you.
Option 1: You can come to our clinic in Springfield Lakes for set-up
If you come to our clinic to get the PSG attached to you, be prepared to drive home straight after.
Option 2: The technician comes to your home for set-up
Our Sleep Technician will come to your home between 5.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. to attach the portable PSG to you.
Preparing For Your Home Sleep Study
It’s important to prepare for the test by doing the following:
1. Shower before the appointment and dress ready for bed. Wear decent, comfortable but loose night clothes.
2. Don’t plan anything else for the evening so you can give your full attention to the sleep study procedures.
3. Expect the Sleep Technician to measure your breathing function, and fill in some paperwork.
4. Set aside sufficient time for your appointment. Our Sleep Technician will need about 1 hour for the set up.
5. Follow your usual routine of getting into bed. Take your usual medications.
6. Prepare to go to bed early to enable the PSG to get as much sleep data as possible.
The Next Morning
Remove the sleep test equipment according to instructions. Pack it carefully in its bag, and return it according to your sleep technician’s instructions.
To make an appointment: Call (07) 3708 3233 or send an email: info@sleepstudybrisbane.com.au